623 research outputs found

    The impact of immigration on the wage structure : Spain 1995-2002

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    In this paper we estimate the impact of inward migration flows on the Spanish wage structure over the period 1995-2002 by constructing counterfactual wage distributions that provide the wages that would have been observed had individual and job characteristics remain constant over time. Hence, we compute the impact of immigration on the wage distribution from (i) the estimated wage gaps between similar immigrants and native workers and (ii) the changes in the composition of employment associated to the arrival of new immigrants. Overall, we find that (i) the effects of immigration on wage changes are small and only noticeable when job characteristics are included as determinants of wages, and (ii) the correlation between the incidence of immigration in each decile of the wage distribution and the change in native wages not explained by changes in their individual and job characteristics is positive. These results suggest that other factors, besides immigration, should be identified as the key determinants of the wage moderation observed since the early nineties in Spain

    The effect of immigration on the employment opportunities of native-born workers : some evidence for Spain

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    Spain is one of the European countries where immigration flows during the last decade have increased noticeably. The Spanish labor market institutions and the Spanish immigration policy exhibit some peculiarities which may be relevant when analyzing the impact of immigration. This paper provides a first approximation to the labor market effects of immigrants in Spain during the second half of the 1990s, the period in which immigration flows to Spain have accelerated. By using alternative datasets, we estimate both the impact of legal and total immigration flows on the employment rates of native workers, accounting for the possible occupationa l and geographical mobility of immigrants and native-born workers. Using different samples and estimation procedures, we have not found a significant negative effect of immigration on the employment rates of native workers. The corresponding estimated elasticity is low, around -0.1, when considering only legal immigrants, and is not significant when considering both legal and illegal immigrants

    The impact of immigration on the wage structure : Spain 1995-2002

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    In this paper we estimate the impact of inward migration flows on the Spanish wage structure over the period 1995-2002 by constructing counterfactual wage distributions that provide the wages that would have been observed had individual and job characteristics remain constant over time. Hence, we compute the impact of immigration on the wage distribution from (i) the estimated wage gaps between similar immigrants and native workers and (ii) the changes in the composition of employment associated to the arrival of new immigrants. Overall, we find that (i) the effects of immigration on wage changes are small and only noticeable when job characteristics are included as determinants of wages, and (ii) the correlation between the incidence of immigration in each decile of the wage distribution and the change in native wages not explained by changes in their individual and job characteristics is positive. These results suggest that other factors, besides immigration, should be identified as the key determinants of the wage moderation observed since the early nineties in Spain.Immigration, Wage structure, Quantile regressions

    Inmigración y mercado de trabajo

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    Espainia da azken hamarkadan emigrante edo etorkinen fluxuan gorakadarik handienetakoa izan duen Europako herrialdea. Horren aurrean, ez da harritzekoa inmigrazioaren fenomenoa eztabaida publikoko gai garrantzitsuenen artean egotea, eta fenomeno horren ezaugarriak eta ondorio sozio-ekonomikoak aztertzeko modua emango digun informazioaren eskaria asko ugaritzea. Gaur egungo testuinguruan, artzkulu honen helburua bikoitza da: biztanleria inmigranteak Espainian duen egoera laborala aztertzea, batetik, eta inmigranteek lan-merkatu espainiarrean eragiten dituzten ondorioen lehen hurbilketa bat eskaintzea, bestetikEspaña es uno de los países europeos donde los flujos de inmigrantes han aumentado de forma más notable durante la última década. Ante esto, no resulta extraño que el fenómeno de la inmigración se haya convertido en uno de los principales temas de debate público y que exista una fuerte demanda de información que permita analizar sus características y sus consecuencias socioeconómicas. En el contexto actual, el objetivo de este artículo es, por un lado, estudiar la situación laboral de la población inmigrante en España y, por otro, proporcionar una primera aproximación de los efectos de los inmigrantes en el mercado de trabajo españo

    Declining returns to skill and the distribution of wages : Spain 1995-2006

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    In contrast to the pattern observed in other developed countries, Spanish wage inequality did not increase during the period from 1995-2006. In this paper we analyse the relative role of supply and demand factors when accounting for this “atypical” fact. Because noticeable changes in both labour supply and labour demand - such as educational upgrading of the labour force, huge immigration flows, and a boom in the construction sector - took place during these years, we start by decomposing observed wage changes into changes in the composition of the labour force and changes in the prices of workers’ and jobs’ characteristics. The results indicate that the compression of the wage distribution is largely explained by a decrease in the returns to education. We also provide some evidence of the relative impact of labour supply and labour demand factors on the changes of these returns, showing that both the increase in the supply of high-skilled workers and the increasing weight of low-skilled occupations are related to the decreasing trend in the skill premium over this period.The first author aknowledges research funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant No. ECO2009-1116

    Resource alignment: improving teacher performance and reading comprehension through an intervention based on educational material usage

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    El artículo analiza la experiencia del programa Leer es estar adelante para la mejora de la comprensión lectora entre alumnos de escuelas públicas del Perú. La relevancia de la intervención está en haber logrado importantes mejoras en los aprendizajes a partir de un enfoque que prioriza la articulación y otorga especial relevancia al uso del material educativo en el aula. Para ello, el artículo presenta una revisión de literatura sobre la función que cumplen los materiales educativos en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, con énfasis en el uso que se hace de ellos. Se analizan también los supuestos detrás del programa y sus componentes así como los resultados obtenidos a través del sistema de evaluación de aprendizajes utilizado. La evidencia del programa muestra que la mejora de la comprensión lectora es posible a partir de una intervención alineada que coloque el uso de un material educativo de calidad como eje articulador del trabajo del docente en el aula. La articulación tiene que ser considerada tanto en el nivel del propio material educativo como en el nivel de los componentes de la intervención. Finalmente, es fundamental partir de la investigación para diseñar e implementar programas de intervención en el campo educativo.O artigo analisa a experiência do programa Ler é estar adiante para a melhora do entendimento leitor entre alunos de escolas públicas do Peru. A relevância da intervenção está em ter conseguido importantes melhoras nas aprendizagens a partir de um enfoque que prioriza a articulação e outorga especial relevância ao uso do material educativo no sala de aula. Para isso, o artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura sobre a função que cumprem os materiais educativos nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, com ênfase no uso que se faz deles. Analisam-se também os supostos por trás do programa e seus componentes bem como os resultados obtidos através do sistema de avaliação de aprendizagens utilizado. A evidência do programa mostra que a melhora do entendimento leitor é possível a partir de uma intervenção alinhada que coloque o uso de um material educativo de qualidade como eixo articulador do trabalho do docente na sala de aula. A articulação tem que ser considerada tanto no nível do próprio material educativo como no nível dos componentes da intervenção. Finalmente, é fundamental partir da investigação para esboçar e implementar programas de intervenção no campo educativo.The paper discusses the experience of the program Leer es estar adelante in improving reading comprehension among Peruvian public school students. The intervention has had ​​significant impacts in students’ learning using an approach that emphasizes alignment and focuses on the use of educational materials in the classroom. The paper presents a literature review on the role of instructional materials in teaching and learning, with emphasis on their usage. It analyzes also the assumptions behind the program and its components, as well as the results obtained through the learning assessment system used. Evidence from the program shows that improving reading comprehension is possible with an intervention that emphasizes alignment, and places the use of a quality educational material as the focal point of the teacher’s work in the classroom. Alignment must be considered both at the level of the educational material itself as well as at the level of the program components. Finally, it is fundamental to build from research when designing and implementing interventions in education

    Concert: Ithacappella

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    Objetivo: Comparar la eficacia de 3 protocolos de limpieza intraconducto utilizados previo a la cementación de pernos protésicos.Materiales y métodos: A 40 dientes anteriores se les realizó un tratamiento endodóntico en mano, mediante la técnica de condensación lateral. Luego de dos semanas, se realizó la desobturación de los mismos retirando la cantidad de gutapercha que otorgue el espacio necesario para alojar un poste. A continuación, los dientes fueron divididos aleatoriamente en grupos; superficie radicular tratada con clorhexidina (CHX) activado con ultrasonido (US) (grupo I), con clorhexidina activado con instrumental sónico (S) (grupo II), con clorhexidina sin activación (grupo III) y sin ningún tratamiento (grupo IV). Todos los dientes se fracturaron longitudinalmente obteniendo 2 secciones. Se microfotografió el tercio medio del conducto radicular  con microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB) y se midió la superficie contaminada con detritus usando ImageJ 1.47. Se analizó con test Kruskall-Wallis usando GraphPad-Prism 5.01.Resultados: La mediana del porcentaje de área contaminada del Grupo I fue 20,06%, Grupo II de 19,3%, Grupo III de 36,05% y Grupo IV de 56,45%.Conclusión: Existen diferencias significativas entre los distintos protocolos de limpieza intraconducto en la eficacia de eliminación de detritus del conducto radicular, siendo los protocolos activados más eficientes.Objective: Compare efficacy 3 intracanal cleaning protocols used previous to cementation of prosthetic bolts.Material and Methods: 40 anterior teeth which received endodontic treatment in hand, using the technique of lateral condensation. After two weeks, the unblocking of the anterior teeth was carried out removing the amount of gutta-percha that grants the necessary space to accommodate a post. Then, the teeth were randomly divided into groups; root surface treated with chlorhexidine (CHX) activated by ultrasound (US) (group I), chlorhexidine activated with sonic instrument (S) (group II), chlorhexidine without activation (group III) and chlorhexidine without treatment (group IV). All teeth were fractured longitudinally getting 2 sections. The middle third of the root canal was micro photographed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the contaminated surface was measured using detritus ImageJ 1.47. It was analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis-test using GraphPad Prism 5.01.Results: The median percentage of contaminated area of the Group I was 20.06%, Group II 19.3%, Group III 36.05% and Group IV 56.45%.Conclusion: There are significant differences among different intracanal cleaning protocols in the removal efficiency of detritus from the root canal, being the activated protocols the most effective ones

    Perfil antropométrico, somatotipo y composición corporal de jóvenes piragüistas

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue definir el perfil antropométrico de jóvenes palistas así como diferentes parámetros relacionados con su composición corporal. Un total de 69 palistas (48 chicos y 21 chicas), con edades de 13 y 14 años, fueron evaluados teniendo en cuenta el factor género y la especialidad practicada (kayak o canoa). Los parámetros antropométricos relacionados con la grasa corporal fueron significativamente superiores en las piragüistas, mientras que el peso, la talla, la masa ósea y muscular, el componente mesomórfico y los diámetros biestiloideo, biepicondíleo y bicondíleo, fueron superiores en los piragüistas. Este dimorfismo sexual se constató en la comparativa de somatotipos, donde se registró una SDD de 3.31. En lo que respecta a la especialidad practicada, y atendiendo exclusivamente al género masculino, la talla, el peso y los diámetros biestiloideo, biepicondíleo y bicondíleo, fueron significativamente mayores en el grupo de kayakistas. El análisis de correlación mostró la estrecha relación existente entre la masa grasa y la suma de cuatro y seis pliegues cutáneos. Asimismo, se obtuvo una alta significación estadística al relacionar el componente endomórfico con aquellas variables relacionadas con el componente graso